I want the user to first list what activities they do in a day and then specify how many hours per day they spend on each activity. In the end, I want to end up with a variable that looks something like this:
>>activities = {"Exercise" -> 4, "Watching TV" -> 9, "Travel" -> 15}
But, of course, both the key and the relation are defined by the user.
The way I've gone about it now is this:
*question: Write any regular activities here
*type: text
*placeholder: Travel, exercise, watching TV...
*save: activities
*for: activity in activities
*question: How many hours you spend *per week* on {activity} on average?
*type: number
I don't know how to save their answer to that last question as a relation to the first, and I can't find anything about it in the manual. Any help would be much appreciated!