+1 vote

I am creating a survey where my users have to give their ratings of a service on different categories (e.g., overall experience, ease of use, promptness, etc.) The survey has a question with *multiple where users can rate additional categories that they choose:

*while: enterAnotherCategory = 1
	*question: What would you like to rate?
		*save: category
	*question: How would you rate the {category} of this service?

When I look at the CSV file, all the ratings for the additional categories appear in the same column, with answers separated by a pipe (|). Is there a way to save each rating to a separate column?

by (190 points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote

You can use >>data::store(columnName, value) to achieve that:

*while: enterAnotherCategory = 1
	*question: What would you like to rate?
		*save: category

	*question: How would you rate the {category} of this service?
		*save: ratingForThisCategory
	>>data::store(category, ratingForThisCategory)

So if a person chooses to rate the "customer support" of the service, there will be a column in the CSV file with the title "customer support".

by (3.6k points)
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