A general solution for determining whether string contains any substring from a list using .find:
>> substringsToFind = ["a", "b", "c"]
>> string = "ghjk"
>> i = 1
*label: search
*while: i < substringsToFind.size
>> found = string.find(substringsToFind[i])
*if: not found
>> i = i + 1
*goto: search
*goto: success
none of [{substringsToFind}] is in {string}
*label: success
*if: found
"{substringsToFind[i]}" is in "{string}" at position "{found}"
In addition to .find, there is also .count, .combine, .shuffle, .sort, .mean which all are very useful for collections (arrays)
A more specific solution for the email problem, maybe useful if you want to do more low-level work with strings.
Checking if mail provider in a valid email string belongs to list of common freemail providers is easier than searching random substring in random string because we can expect provider string to be in between '@' and '.'
Then we can check *if: provider in [common providers]