An option to get comparable functionality would be to use a series of matching questions like in this example:
>> prompts = ["pig", "lion", "zebra", "horse", "hedgehog"]
>> options = ["Carnivore", "Herbivore", "Omnivore"]
>> correct_answers = {"pig" -> "Omnivore", "lion" -> "Carnivore", "zebra" -> "Herbivore", "horse" -> "Herbivore", "hedgehog" -> "Omnivore"}
*maintain: Match animal with its diet
>> i = 1
*while: i <= prompts.size
*question: {prompts[i]}
*answers: options
*save: answer
*if: correct_answers[prompts[i]] = answer
>> points = points + 5
>> i = i + 1
You have {points}!
The questions are single-choice for simplicity but they could be *checkbox questions too. You will need to provide a way to score the options explicitly.