0 votes
Is it possible to create a minimum response value (ie. open-ended responses must be at least 200 characters long)?
by (5.8k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Yep! An example:

>> limit = 10
>> happy = ""
>> answerIsTooShort = "no"

*label: start

*if: answerIsTooShort = "yes"
    Your answer is too short. Please, tell us more!

*question: Are you happy?
    *tip: Your answer should include at least {limit} charachers
    *type: paragraph
    *default: happy
    *save: happy

*if: happy.size < limit
    >> answerIsTooShort = "yes"
    *goto: start
>> answerIsTooShort = "no"


by (5.8k points)
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