0 votes

Is there any possibility to check if all boxes from one checkbox-question are checked or any similar feature before continuing to the next question? A feature like the default non-blank in "normal" questions?

Example: Question: Can you check all 3 boxes?
x "one"
x "two"
o "three"

(-> one "box" is not checked so I want an error message to appear to tell them that to complete the task and continue they have to check ALL boxes)


by (5.8k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer

Here is a quick example:

*label: checkboxQuestion

*if: showError
	You need to check ALL the boxes

*question: Can you check all 3 boxes?
	*tip: You need to check ALL the boxes
	*type: checkbox
	*save: BoxesChecked

*if: not BoxesChecked.size = 3
	>> showError = "yes"
	*goto: checkboxQuestion

Note *tip modifier, it might be helpful!


by (5.8k points)
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