0 votes
Is it possible to have a multiple choice question where one of the options is "other" and other allows the user to type in their response?
by (5.8k points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

Two possible approaches

#1 - other question is asked after the main one

*question: question
	*save: answer
	standart option 1
	standart option 2
	standart option 3
		*question: please elaborate
			*save: answer

Your answer is {answer}

	#2 - show other questions with the origianl one grouping them in *page
	*question: another question
		*save: answer2
		standart option 1
		standart option 2
		standart option 3

	*question: enter your answer
		*save: otherAnswer
*if: otherAnswer
	>> answer2 = otherAnswer

Your answer is {answer2}


by (5.8k points)
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