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Can I attach files via guided track?
What I'm looking for is to allow the user to upload a pdf file depending on their answer. If it's not a native feature, perhaps you would have some experience integrating an API that would do that?
by (5.8k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

A scrappy workaround would be to ask users to send not a file but a link to the file uploaded somewhere else (Google Drive for example). If you go with this make sure to ask users to get appropriate access permissions for the file so you could open it.

If you are aiming for a more smooth user experience then it becomes somewhat a challenge. If you are embedding your GuidedTrack program on another website that allows you to write your own JavaScript code then you can make it work. The following documentation pages describe the general approach: Triggering a JavaScript Event, Use *service to Embed Outside Apps and Other Tools.

If you are interested as well in letting users the opportunity to download a file this is an easier task, here is an example.

by (5.8k points)
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0 votes
I found a workaround in between of what you mentioned.

I'm using a free Hubspot form that accepts multiple files. Thus, at the end of my Guided Track program, I redirect the user to the form and pass the user variables via REST to Hubspot so I can relate the file with the response.

I'm doing this at the end of the program because it's better for my workflow. It might be possible to also return to guided track if necessary, but I didn't try.
by (5.8k points)
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