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I'm trying to use a *service to ingest data from Airtable. I'm getting a "401 not found" for /Airtable when I open the network tab. I've tried using *service with a public API and it works, and I've tried CURLing my airtable and it works. Any idea what could be happening?
by (5.8k points)

1 Answer

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401 error implies that you are not unauthorized in Airtable so I would suggest checking the following things:

  • whether your service configuration has a proper URL (if you have multiple services configured your browser might autofill the URL link with the wrong one when you open service tab to edit)

  • whether you have a header with the right key like here:

It should be helpful to compare the service configuration with your cURL command and see if everything matches. 

For example, "Bearer" should be spelled exactly like this, "BEARER" or "bearer" will fail.

You might find helpful checking out the draft of GuidedTrack and Airtable integration tutorial.


by (5.8k points)
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