0 votes

I've made a program that requires the URL parameter qaNo to run. When I click on ‘Preview’, the corresponding variable is not defined, so the program fails. How can I preview the program with the variable set?

I've tried putting >> qaNo = 1 at the top of the program while I'm developing. But it's not a great solution, since I might forget to remove that line before the program goes to production.

by (1.1k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I assume that you're looking at the editor with your program now.

  1. Open the preview in a new browser tab. You can do this by middle-clicking the Preview button, for example.
  2. In the new tab, append ?qaNo=1 to the URL and hit Enter. It should load the preview with your parameter defined.
  3. When you change your program in the editor tab and want to preview the new version, click ‘Save’, then go back to the browser tab with the preview and reload the page.
by (1.1k points)
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