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I've noticed that GT seems to be refreshing a lot when going between tabs. Is this expected?


1 Answer

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We added this feature on purpose to help keep tabs in sync with the server and
reduce the number of times you get data conflicts, which result in alert saying
something like: "It looks like you're using this app in another tab or device.
Want to load the data from there?"

Users find this to be very confusing and often end up making the wrong choice.

This will happen when you have a program open in two different tabs, have
changed data in one, and are going back to the other. GuidedTrack realizes that
the data the tab you're returning to is out-of-date and that it's safe to load
the data the other tab sent. When it does that, it needs to refresh the page.

I understand how it might be jarring, but the problem the refresh solves is
more severe than the UX glitch, and we've been assuming it's unlikely that
users will use apps in this way often enough for it to be a problem. Also, if
no data has changed (e.g. you're just switching between tabs without answering
questions or clicking on anything), there will be no refresh - it'll only
happen when there's been data added.

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