0 votes
We're storing people's email addresses into a database (Airtable), so we can look up their info later when they input their email address to a separate program. Is there any way to do this lookup such that it will match even if the sentence casing is different?

If not, I could just convert it to lowercase before it gets posted to Airtable the first time. Do we already have a GT program that does this?
by (5.8k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

You can easily make a text variable all uppercase or lowercase with these new methods:

by (5.8k points)
0 votes

Airtable can do it with LOWER function:

*path: /EmailAddresses?filterByFormula=LOWER(%7BEmailAddress%7D)=LOWER('{InputtedEmailAddress}')&view=Grid%20view

There is also GuidedTrack program that will convert to lowercase: lowercase - public


by (5.8k points)
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