0 votes
I would really like to assign a random participant ID code to users from within the Guided Track program. I would like to save this as a variable in the CSV and also as a variable within the program to embed into another URL link that is also in the program. Is this possible and how would you go about doing it?
by (5.8k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

1) I suggest using library program random numbers generator - public to generate the number.


2) And here is a sample program with id generation and appending it to URL: https://www.guidedtrack.com/programs/13942

>>in_numNumbers = 1
>>in_minValue = 10000
>>in_maxValue = 100000
*program: random numbers generator - public
>> random_id = out_randomNumbers[1]

You are given id {random_id}

>> urlWithId = "https://www.guidedtrack.com/programs/wnto57c/run?id={random_id}"

You can show URL in text: [link|{urlWithId}]

Or do a redirect:

*button: Go to special URL

*if: urlWithId
	*goto: {urlWithId}


by (5.8k points)
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